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Friday, February 15, 2008

MySpace launches games site.

MySpace launched their own games site Hmm, I didn't know that they had done this. They actually did it quietly on Feb 11th, 2008. Apparently it is for the casual gamer from what I've read.

IMAGE: Sideways blown dog.

VIDEO: Magnetic Ink, process video. Another audio responsive visuals, very cool.

Magnetic Ink, Process video from flight404 on Vimeo.

VIDEO: Solar, audio responsive visuals, very cool video.

Solar, with lyrics. from flight404 on Vimeo.

VIDEO: Laser harp, now this is cool!

Now this guy is basically playing a synth, only when he breaks the beam of the laser does it act like he's pushing the keys on the keyboard. Cool Vid!!

Video 2, this time a live concert.

VIDEO: Super Mario Doom

Where do I get this version of Super Mario? I would love to have it.

VIDEO: Citizens Against Breastfeeding, Poor senile old man.

This old man sure has some negative views about breast feeding in public. Apparently for this old fart it is just too much for him to handle.

Today's Einstein Quote

Generations to come, it may be, will scarcely believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth. (In reference to the death of Mahatma Gandhi.)